About us

SWARMA is a network for research managers and administrators at Swedish higher education institutions.  SWARMA aims to promote collaboration, exchange of experience and competence development between functions at Swedish higher education institutions that work with administrative support regarding external research funding at the university.

What does SWARMA do?

We disseminate information about current and upcoming calls to network participants.

We are in contact with Swedish financiers’ communication managers and help to quickly disseminate both general andtargeted information to all affiliated higher education institutions.

We help interpret and implement regulations from, for example, the US and the EU. For the EU, this often takes place inconsultation with the “national contact points”, NCPs, located at Vinnova, VR and other research funders.

We provide a forum for collaboration, cooperation and further education to the participating higher education institutions.

Yarn threads that symbolize networks.

Who are SWARMA?

SWARMA brings together the administrative support regarding external research funding at Swedish higher education institutions. Only organisations that are members of SUHF (The Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions)
can participate in SWARMA (see list of members). Since the organisational structure of SWARMA’s participating organisations differs, it is up to each organisation to decide for themselves which employees can be included as participants in SWARMA.

The network has a steering group that plans and coordinates the work of SWARMA. The steering group is appointed inconnection with the annual network meeting. The network is based at a higher education institution that has offered to host the next period. Currently, Linköping University is the host university for SWARMA.

PM describing how SWARMA is organized and function (in Swedish)

Participating Swedish higher education institutions

Steering group for SWARMA 2024

Tinna Carlson, University of Gothenburg
Ylva Hultman, Karolinska Institutet
Peter Klason, Chalmers University of Technology
Tove Kvarnström, Linköping University
Cecila Martinsson Björkdahl, Karolinska Institutet
Lars Ola Nilsson, Malmö University
Peter Olofsson-Sahl, University West
Malin Persson, Örebro University
Jonas Rosenqvist, Umeå University

Contact SWARMA: info@swarma.se